Feel Freedom. Love your confidence. Be a joy bomb.

Christmas Lights

We went to spot some Christmas lights tonight
just after second-night black olive pizza
and re-do lemon birthday cake that might
have had vanilla ice cream. Nothing beats a
repast of simple carbs with easy clean-
up. Well, some simple carbs and wine. And cheese. 
We loaded up the jammied boys between
the winter coats and mittens left to freeze
in our back seat; Melissa DJ'd as 
we listened to our two-year-old sing rum-
pa-pum and J-I-N-G-L-E jazz.
Our two-year-old reminds me of the days
when colored lights would sing my heart ablaze. 

1 Comment

  1. Matt

    It’s a tradition that we don’t really spotlight, but it is handed down from generation to generation. Driving around neighborhoods looking at the festive joy of Christmas lights. I need to try adding wine…