Those of you who have studied with me know that the parts of the song that you don’t sing (the rests) are just as important as the parts you do.
I’m gaining a new appreciation for how this applies in our lives…whether you are a performer or not.

We all need rest. We all need to step back and take time to be still.

It’s in these times that we finally have enough space to see, perhaps, that we’ve let our priorities get caddywompus.

We need times of inactivity to reflect on and plan for our times of activity. As performers, we need times of quiet to sit back and see where our passion to perform, our careers, our dreams, fit into the whole picture of our lives.

We are often prone to putting our careers and achievements at the top of our lists. If I book a Broadway show, if I get a TV series, if I win a certain award….

We know these things are thrilling, but when you are getting ready to check out of this life, are you going to say, “Bring me my Tony Award?” I really hope that’s not what you are asking for.

It’s tough to rest in America. Especially in a place like Los Angeles or New York, where a neurotic drive to achieve is not only allowed, but fed and encouraged. We think if we aren’t DOING, then nothing will get done. We tie our value as people so tightly to what we are accomplishing professionally.

Go to a party with other performers or people in the biz, and play a game…count how many times you are asked, “What are you working on?” or “What’s next?” Then add to the game by answering the questioner with something completely unrelated to the industry: a trip you’re planning, painting your bedroom, or how your significant other is doing.

And ask them questions that have nothing to do with the industry. You might be surprised what you find out.

Bottom line, take some time to sit, be still, take a nap, know that everything is moving along at the pace it’s supposed to move. Give yourself a break and listen to your heart to know what your real priorities in life are.

And drink lots of water…it’s hot out there y’all. Happy July 🙂